Монголд 5 шинэ хазара оюутан ирсэн тухай найзуудаасаа сонслоо.
Эдгээр таван Хазара сурагчид Оюутан солилцоогоор ирсэн байна.
Тэдгээр оюутануудтай холбоо тогтоож чадсангүй , гэхдээ тэдний суралцаж байгаа сургуулын вэб дээрx маш сонирхолтой мэдээлэлүүдийг оллоо. мэдээж Афганистаны далбаа байна.
Афганистаны оюутан суралцдаг нь тодорхой боллоо.
MIU is an international university preparing leaders for the new millennium, as well as further educating the current leadership. The university campus serves not only Mongolians, but also minority groups from Russia’s Siberian area (Buryatia, Tuva, Yajutia) and China (Inner Mongolia, Uygur, Tibet). With a hundred percent foreign juridical foundation endorsed by the Mongolian government, MIU was established on September 4, 2002.
Maintaining an International University
By reaching out to minority groups in Siberia, China and other Central Asian countries, MIU has a reputation of being an outstanding international campus. MIU encourages the students to actively participate in international exchange programs and to get involved in "Vision Trip". "Vision Trip" is an innovative approach for students to experience, explore and study abroad by visiting other counties during their summer and winter break.
Энэ сургууль 2007 онд Афганистаны Балхтай холбоотой ажиллаж эхэлсэн байна.
Балх Их сургууль1986 онд байгуулагдсан 4000 орчим оюутантай Афганистаны 2 дахь том сургууль Кабулын их сургуулын дараа ордог юм байна.
Одоо монголд 8 Хазара оюутантай боллоо. Энэ тоо улам ихээр нэмэгдээсэй.
Өнөөдөр дэлхийн улсуудад амьдран суугаа Хазара монголчууд маань монгол улсад суралцах аялах, амьдрах тэнд иргэншил олох өрнүүн хүсэл эрмэлзлэлтэй байгаа түүнийг нь дэмжицгээе.
Энэ сургуулын тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр бас их сонирхолтой байна.
доор хавсаргалаа ороод үзнэ үү?
it might be useful informations for my hazara brothers.
Scholarship Categories
Special Scholarship
Designated Support Scholarship
Financial Support
Academic Scholarship
1. Academic Scholarship
1) LEI Academic Scholarship
Among LEI students, the top and the second students will receive academic scholarship. For the top student, 100% of tuition fee will be waived and for the second student, 50% of tuition fee will be waived.
The scholarship recipients will be nominated by the director of LEI.
2) MIU Academic Scholarship
According to the entrance examination, the top students and the second students of each department will receive academic scholarship. For the top student, 100% of tuition fee will be waived and for the second student, 50% of tuition fee will be waived.
According to the GPA the top students and the second students of each department will receive academic scholarship. For the top student, 100% of tuition fee will be waived and for the second student, 50% of tuition fee will be waived.
In the case of IM (excl. freshmen) for the top student, 100% of tuition fee will be waived and for the second & third students, 50% of tuition fee will be waived. However, in a case where students' number is less than 25 for each department grade, only the top student will receive scholarship.
Academic scholarship will be applied to students whose GPA is above 3.3 for the last two semesters.
2. Special Scholarship
1) Special Achievement Scholarship
Student who wins the first place of a contest will get full scholarship in the year of entrance.
One student each from IT/ BT Dept.
2) Affirmative Action
I. New regions support
If there are students from New Region (Republics in Russia, Provinces of China, countries in Persia and Middle Asia), the first year's tuition fee will be waived.
5 students maximum per year (incl. LEI)
II. Korean Diaspora support
For the Korean Diaspora (Russian Korean & Chinese Korean), 1/3 of tuition will be waived for 4 years.
Above supports will only applied to students with GPA higher or equal to 3.0(B0) in the last two semesters.
3. Designated Scholarship
Donation institute or Donor designate certain students or department and give the scholarship.
4. Financial Support (Aid)
1) Bright future Scholarship
Among the graduates of Bright future high school, two recommended students' tuition (100%) will be waived for one year. Two students will be recommended by the president of the Bright future high school every year.
Replacement of rent for Bright future high school's farm.
2) Recognition of Service
For a family in service, 50% of tuition fee will be waived for four years.
Above support will only applied to students with GPA higher or equal to 3.0(B0) in the last two semesters.
3) MIU family support
I. Foreign family support
For the full time foreign (other than Mongolia) volunteer workers' family (spouse and children) tuition fee will be waived for four years.
It limits to one person per worker
In a case of two people, one person will be applied as above but the other will get 50% tuition fee waived
If the worker stops work, support scholarship will also stop since then
Above scholarship will only applied to students with GPA higher or equal to 3.0(B0) in the last two semesters.
II. Mongolian family support
For the full time Mongolian worker's family (spouse and children), 100% of tuition fee will be waived for the first year.
It limits to one person per worker
If the worker stops work, support scholarship also will stop since then
4) General financial support
Among the students who are not able to pay the full tuition fee due to difficult family financial situation, MIU will select some of them and support certain amount of tuition fee.
Tuition Fee does not include Registration Fee and Activity Fee.
Middle Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan (Northern part of), Pakistan (Northern part of), Tibet autonomous region of People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, and Qinghai are designated.
Family in a direct line - Parents, spouse, Children
Full time foreign volunteer workers- The Foreigner (other than Mongolia) who are stated as a full time worker in a contract or work as a volunteer (receiving not payment, but subsidy for accommodation).
Энэ ч чихэнд чимэгтэй л мэдээ байна. Улам л олноор нь ирүүлж сургахсан даа. Ядаж л наашаа элэгтэй, сэтгэлтэй болох юм даа.
ReplyDeleteЖишээ нь Соц үед манайхан гадны соц орнуудад ихээр явж суралцдаг байсан. Хүн аль улс оронд суралцаж төгснөв, тэр улсаараа "занимаалдчихдаг" шүү дээ.
Shine zaluu Hazara mongolchuud ikh oor bolson , mongol gedgeeree baharhdag bolson.
ReplyDeleteGadaadad tsagaachilsan Hazara nar bol , mongold ochij amidrakh huseltei baidag.
Odoo 8 oyutan baina udakhguii ene too nemegdekh tolovtoi baina.
Minii bodloor , Hazara nariig bolovsrol, soyol, business, gekh bukh l helbereer mongold avchirakh heregtei .