Thursday, October 22, 2009

Seminar on racial similarity in relationships between Hazaras & Mongols held in Quetta

Сэтгүүлч Болормаагийн Пакистан Улсын Хазарачуудтай хийсэн уулзалтын мэдээлэлийг англи хэл дээр энд оруулав.
Дашрамд хэлхэд Хазара Үндэстэн сэтгүүл хазара соёл , боловсрол , түүхийн баримт, сонирхолтой мэдээ мэдээлэл, нийтэлдэг .

Сэтгүүлч Болормааг Пакистанд хүлээн авч энэхүү уулзалтыг зохион байгуулсан юм.
Hazaranation дээр сэтгүүлч Болормаагын нэвтрүүлгийн тухай англи хэл дээр хөрвүүлж нийтлэх болно.
Монголын олон нийтийн сувгаар Хазара Монголчуудын харилцааны талаарх сонирхолтой мэдээлүүдийг англи хэлдээр хэвлэн нийтэлсэнээр дэлхийн нийт хазара хүмүүс биднийг хэрхэн үндэс угсаа ахан дүүсээ дэмждэгийг мэдэх нь зүйн хэрэг билээ.

QUETTA, April 17th 2009: Moderator of on Friday organized a one-day interactive seminar on “racial similarity in relationships between Hazaras and Mongols” at the Hazara Community Hall on Alamdar Road Quetta.

Speakers and guests shared their ideas and debated extensively the relationships and similarities between Hazara and Mongolian nations. Speaking on the occasion, Mongolian TV journalist, Ms. Bolormaa Natsagdorj highlighted the similarities between lifestyles, and world outlook which have common roots in Mongolia and Hazara societies. To make a TV program to introduce Hazaras to the people of Mongolia.

She said that Mongol and Mongolian people had always been center of international events in the world particularly in Asia, who all the times remained victorious in wars and after conquering Eurasian landmass and ruled in large region.

“The Mongols along with their most powerful armies, emerging from newly-consolidated heartland north of Gobi in 13th century, crossed Urals and conquered western Asia [Persia existing Iran; Iraq, the then center of Muslim caliphate], Eastern Europe, Austria and Adriatic. Besides, they also invaded and conquered China, Java and Japan,” she explained.

European kingdoms and principalities formed alliances to wage united war against Mongols, even, Christians’ states from Europe made alliances with Muslims in Egypt and Palestine for waging unified and cohesive war against their common enemy ─ Mongols, but they all failed to defeat Mongolians, she added.

The Mongols despite being less in number, but invaded and conquered, and subsequently ruled over large parts of the world which displayed their considerable achievements, she said, adding that Mongols own legal tradition needed to go back to Mongolian heartland to elect new Khan which halted the Mongolians advances across the globe.

Ms. Bolormaa Natsagdorj said that that conquers and victories of Mongols brought infusion of innovative ideas and unity which helped in conquering countries and bringing stability for trade and business in large parts of the world.

She highlighted influences and positive impacts of Mongolians invasions, conquers and their rules and polity in the political, economic, social, legal and educational systems in the conquered regions .

She further underlined comprehensively about the geography of Mongolians and its certain strategic features located in central Asia.

She also highlighted various aspects of culture and social values of Mongols and their changes in culture and social systems in modern times, besides religious customs and festivals of Mongols which have deep relationships to that of Hazaras.

She also extensively debated about Hazaras and their origin of Mongolians, besides similarities of dozens of words being used both by Hazaras and Mongols for same things even in modern time, similarities between customs and temperaments of the people of Hazaras and Mongols.

Speaking on the occasion, eminent Hazara scholar, Muhammad Ishaq Muhammadi highlighted about Hazaras being Mongolian origin.

Balochistan Minister Jan Ali Changezi, representatives of Hazara Democratic Party, Itihad e Tajiran, Hazaragi Drama Association, Milo Shaheed Trust, Wahdat Guardian, Ummat Education Institute, scholars, writers, intellectuals, Tanzeem Nasli-i-Naw Hazara Mughal and other concerned academicians attended the seminar.

The participants at the seminar debated and highlighted the strong racial relationships and similarities between Hazaras and Mongols with reference to histories and authenticated books.

Altaf Hussain Safdari

(Posted by Altaf Hussain April 17th, 2009)

Энэхүү уулзалтын зургуудыг энд дарж үзнэ үү
Мэдээлэлийн Эх Сурвалж


  1. Хайннн... Чи мөнч буянтай ажил хийж байгаа хүн байна даа. Сайхан сэтгэлийн үзүүрт шар тос гэдэг. Санасан үйлс чинь бүтэмжтэй байгээ.

  2. Bayarlalaa, ankh blog neesnees khosh uramiin ugeer tetgej baigaa setgegdel uldeegeg gants khun ni ta baina. Mon hazara naizuud baina.

    Bidnii mongol Humuus yarikhaasaa uldaar hiih gej yaridag. Tegvel Odoogoor Hazara humuusiin toloo minii hiij chadakh zuil ene l baina aa, Endees sanaa avaad oor olon khumuus oor oor argaar devshilttei ahitsatai arga hemjee avah bolno .
