Friday, November 6, 2009

Mongolia Diary

"Organization of Youth Hazara Mongols"  байгууллагын вэб дээр Аббасын Mongolia Diary нийтлэл урду хэлээр бичигджээ.

Хазара Монгол Баатрын блог

Австрали улсад амьдардаг Хазара Монгол Баатрын блогт нийтлэгдсэн сонирхолтой нийтлэлүүдийг холбогдох линктэй хамт блог уншигчиддаа сонирхуулж байна.
Энд зөвхөн Хазара Монголчуудаас гадна Түрэг буюу Турк гаралтай афганистаны иргэдийн хоорондын нэгдэлийн талаар бичсэн байх юм.
Өнөөдөр англи болон араб хэл дээр Хазарчууд мөн афганистан улсын талаар гадны хэвлэлүүд бичиж байгаач , дээрхи нийтлэлүүд нь ардаа улс төрийн зорилготой , бодит үнэн мэдээлэл нийтлэхгүй хэтэрхий нэг талруу хэлбийсэн байгааг тэрээр хөндсөн байна.

Hazara History – Introduction

It is not too rare to find history books and articles written by authors that are not too keen in intending to provide a text that can be used by the readers to expand their knowledge with correct and reliable information. Instead, such writers are more concerned about writing anything in favour of a particular group of people, even if they have to fill in all the blank pages with incorrect and made up theories and assumptions about other people’s history. It is important to understand that these writers are quite able to distinguish the difference between writing about their own people and other people.
We usually come in contact with such writers in multiethnic societies that are politically and socially unstable. In such societies, a minority not only suffers from severe inequality, even their very own history and identity are stolen from them. Afghanistan is known to be the place for these writers. We don’t need to be experts to spot their articles and books. Articles published by “Kohzad Foundation” (بنیاد فرهنگی کهزاد) are good examples.
дэлгэрэнгүйг энд дарж уншина уу

Turk o Mongol Unity

My childhood and the early years of my life as a teenager was spent in my country Afghanistan. Most of the memories and experiences that have been shaping my character and thoughts came to existence in me from the time when I was there. Afghanistan is one of the few countries that go through huge changes over short periods of time. I saw many things, both good and bad. But no matter how bad some of the memories may be, leaving my land and my people behind makes me feel as if I have left something very valuable behind. And when I say my people, it includes all Turk-o-Mongol people of Afghanistan (Uzbeks, Turkmens, Aymaq Hazaras and so on). We all have been through somewhat similar pasts, which brings us even more closer. The only reason why I refer to us as Turk-o-Mongol or Altaic is because all of the Mongol and Turkic tribes belong to the same race and origin. It is one of the many common bonds between us.
дэлгэрэнгүйг энд дарж уншина уу

Naiman Hazaras

Naiman Hazaras constitute a large portion of Hazara population in Afghanistan. Like many other Hazaras, they are Sunni, Shia and they also have considerable number of Ismailies among them. They live mainly in Shekhali region of Hazaristan, as well as Baghlan province in Northern Afghanistan. Other independent Naimans live outside Afghanistan mainly in Central Asian countries, such as Kazakhstan (1), Uzbekistan and Mongolia (2).
дэлгэрэнгүйг энд дарж уншина уу

Endless suffering of ethnic minorities in Afghanistan

Its quite sad when we realise that Afghanistan has never had a government or power that treated all its citizens equally, regardless of their ethnicity and religion. It’s a country where minorities have always been forced to be on the very edge of survival. The more we go through the first 260 year history of Afghanistan the more crimes and cold blooded massacres we come across that targeted those ethnic minority groups.
Even more disappointing is to see warlords such as Abdur Rahman Khan (Right), being introduced as one of the “main figures” who placed the foundations for the Afghan nation. To him, his biggest achievement, for which is he is well known for, was his order to massacre 63% of a minority group, the Hazaras. Massacring a defenseless minority group is not quite building a nation, in fact its the opposite as we have been witnessing the consequences of their shameful crimes.
дэлгэрэнгүйг энд дарж уншина уу

Stage 1 – Hazara ancestors before 12th century (Ak Huns)

Note: Please read Introduction before continuing with this post.

The Huns

‘Turan’ is an ancient Dari word which means Central and part of North Asia. To be more specific it refers to the regions that are today known as Mongolia and some countries surrounding it. Around 400 BC, present day Mongolia was home to many nomadic tribes. It was around 250 BC when a young and capable leader named Touman Khan appeared among the tribal Khans in the steppes of Mongolia. In 234 BC his son Modu/Mette was born who later formed the Great Hun Empire in 209 BC.
There are some sources that introduce Huns as an Iranic people or just as an unidentified group of people. However, it is quite clear who Huns were and what their origin was. ‘Hun’ is an ancient Mongol/Turkic word which means ‘people’. Huns were the ancestors of all Mongol and Turk tribes.

дэлгэрэнгүйг энд дарж уншина уу

Monday, November 2, 2009

Монгол болон Хазара үг

Чингис Хааны өвөг Хабул Хааны нэрээр Афганистаны нийслэл Кабул хот нэрлэгдсэн үү ?

Миний Хазара найз нарын нэг нь Кабул хот чинь Хабул гэдэг монгол нэр гэж хэлэх юм .

Монгол үг Хазараги хэлний талаар энд өөрт байгаа мэдээлэлээ хуваалцаж байна.
Афганистан улсаас монголд суралцаж буй Аббас Монгол болон Хазара үгзүйн ижил төсөөтөй байдлыг блогтоо сийрүүлсэн нь уншигчдын хамгын сонирхол татсан сэдэв болсон бөгөөд , энд бяцхан Хазара Монгол толь үүсчээ хүн бүр мэддэг үгээ энд бичиж байна та ч гэсэн энд хувь нэмрээ оруулаарай.

Our classes have started with heavy assignments and weekly tests. Learning Mongolian vocabularies is an adventure for us. Each day we come to know a new Mongol word that’s the exact same in Hazaragi. Though i knew of many Hazaragi-Mongol words like Oqra, Qachaar, Algha, Nilgha, Tolgha…but now i am finding new words as i learn new Mongol vocabularies. Some words are Dalu (Back shoulder), Qotoo (the bird Pelican), Ochi (to drink) and some other words. I will keep posting such words. When i talked to a Mongolian linguist, he said that the accent of Hazaragi-Mongolian words is very much like the pronunciation in Mongolia centuries ago.
Мэдээлэлийн Эх сурвалж энд дарж уншина уу
википэдиа дээр дурьдсан жишээг энд оруулж байна.
Хэрвээ та судлаач сонирхогч хэн ч байсан википэдиа дээрх reference link дээрээс орж маш сонирхолтой мэдээлэлүүдийг олж уншаарай

Language Switch Period

Hazaras spoke a Mongolian language during the time of Babur the Mongol King who came to Afghanistan in the 16th century. But when western tourists visited Hazarajat some time later, they noticed that Hazaras switched their language between 16th century and the 19th century to a new language, Hazaragi; thus the end of the 18th century is taken as the date for the language switch.
Bacon[2] and Schumann[3] believe that the original language of Hazaras was Farsi (Dari) from the beginning. Bacon also believes that it is possible that the Jaghtai Mongols. The forefathers of Hazaras, before coming to Hazarajat had accepted Turkic language and used it because there are countable numbers of Turkic word in Hazaragi than Mongolian word. But Dulling[4] was thinking that the language of Hazaras was a mixed of Farsi and Hindi which Farsi took over Hindi in middle Ages. Hassan Pouladi[5] talks about the Hephthalite written works on stones founded by Professor Bewar in Jaghori and Uruzgan which gives the idea that the people living on these lands were talking in Latin Language as Bewar suggested the written language was a mixed of Old Farsi and Sanskrit. These written works are from the 500 B.C[6].
Mongolian Words In Hazaragi

Linguists have found several words in Hazaragi which they relate to Mongolian words of the same root. Some Mongolian words that are similar to Hazaragi are given in the table below:

Hazaragi Mongolian[12] Meaning in English

Abgha abaγa uncle (Mong. 'paternal uncle')

Bula bülü ~ böle cousin (Mong. 'cousins whose mothers are sisters')

Khatu qatun wife (Mong. 'queen', cp. Mogholi [xɔt’un] 'woman')

Elgha alaγa(n) palm of hand

Nilgha nilqa baby

Мэдээлэлийн Эх сурвалж энд дарж уншина уу
Хазараги хэлний тухай энд өгүүлхэд Сэтгүүлч Болормаа эгчийн энэ нийтлэлийг доорхи линкээр орж уншина энд зөвхөн үг ч биш монгол ёс заншил нь  одоо хүртэл хэрхэн хадгалагдаж үлдсэнийг мэдэх болно.
Харин хэл шинжлэлийн эрдэмтэд цуглараад Хазараги хэлний талаар семинардаж байлаа. Хазарууд Перс хэлний аялга болох хазараги хэлээр ярина. Хазараги хэлний үгсийн сан перс, монгол, турк үгнээс бүрддэг. Тэндээс би алга, дал, хавирга, хацар, ухархай, хайч, авга,аав,нагац, авгай, хатан,нялх, цээж,чанх, бэр, хөнжил ,шагай... гэх зэрэг нилээд хэдэн монгол үг олж мэдлээ. Харин тэд хуучны монгол хэлний аялга тодруулбал монгол бичгийн дуудлагаар хэлж байсан юм. Шагай гэснээс профессор Назир Хуссэйн яриа сонирхол татав.
 энд дарж уншина уу
NTV Дэлхийн монгол айл цувралын нийтлэлийг энд заавал дурьдах ёстой тэд бидэнд олон олон зам жим , элэг нэгтнийхээ үнэн байдлыг мэдхэд гарц болсон юм.

монгол үг , монголын түүх, өнөөдрийн Хазара Монголчуудын бодит амьдрал ямар байгааг дахин нэг уншиж үзнэ үү ?

Хазара нарын тухай аль ч эх сурвалжийн мэдээ хазара хэмээх перс үг нь мянга гэсэн утга илэрхийлнэ гэж эхэлдэг бөгөөд 1220-иод онд Чингис хааны их цэргээс энэ хавийг харгалзан үлдсэн нэг (эсвэл нэг бус?) мянгатын тухай яриагаар үргэлжилнэ.
Энэ дүүрэг тэртээд харагдах Хорияахын уулс хүртэл үргэлжилнэ. Хорияах гэж юу гэсэн утгатай үг болохыг асуувал “хорих, тусгаарлах” гэж хариулахад нь бид мэл гайхаж, бидний гайхсан шалтгааныг сонссон афганчууд маань мэл хөхрөв. .................................
Уул нь тэдэнд найман зууны тэртээ орхиод ирсэн эх нутаг бий гэдгийг батлах гэсэн мэт хэл ярианд нь хүртэл өвөг монгол үгс олноороо үлдсэн байна. Бид цаг хороож хэсэг хөөрөлдөхөд л ухах утга нэгтэй, дуудах дуудлага төстэй доорх үгнүүдийг оллоо. Тухайлж судлах эрдэмтэд үүнээс ч олныг олох биз ээ.

хабиргаа - хавирга
алгаа - алга
украа – ухархай
гачар - хацар
толгай - толгой
гоол - гол
таяаг - таяг
горияа - хороо
хайру - хайр
көнжила - хөнжил
агай - том эгч, авгай
авга - авга
нагаци - нагац
яаса - ёс
нома - үсэг
элчи – элч
энд дарж уншина уу